Tag: natureplay

  • For the 1st timeWild Passport training in Hampshire

    Booking is now open for this first opportunity to train as a #WildPassport practitioner in #Hampshire. This complete course training opportunity is for a small cohort of trainees so you will get more time to practice and hone the skills and knowledge required. The WILD Passport Practitioner course is a Level 3 course accredited by…

  • An amazing session…really transformative Forest School

    We have been working with this school for three sessions and during these sessions we have seen a number of changes and the teachers and adults present have often commented on their learning, behaviour, responsibility and general positivity during the sessions.This particular week we saw the largest changes I have ever seen in ANY forest…

  • Forest School in action

    Forest School in action

    sometimes it just happens Last week in a session i was sat tapping nails into the log. I frequently offer this log for learners to hammer nails as a physical activity. Once I tapped I started weaving to see if anyone wanted to join. One child sat and I offered, no they replied, “I cannot…